Troop 405, under the chartered organization of McEachern Methodist Church has been providing a quality scouting program since their original charter was signed on October 31, 1953. The first Scoutmaster was Jack Wade, and the Assistant Scoutmaster was Rex R. Williams. Committee members were Tom Godwin, John T Walker, Mike Smith and John Clonts. There were 15 scouts listed on the original charter.
Since that time, many scouts have come to the "scout hut" for weekly meetings. What began as an old cinder block building behind the church became a home to the scouts until 2002 when it was demolished to make room for the Christian Life Center. Assistant Scoutmaster, R.P. Taylor provided used bricks for a chimney. The scouts spent many hours chipping the mortar away from the bricks so that they could be used again. They had several fundraiser's to pay for a mason to build the chimney and fireplace. The fireplace provided heat in the winters and birds were known to nest in the chimney in the spring.
While seeking to achieve Baden Powell's purpose in scouting, having "fun with a purpose", the scouts of Troop 405 have spent a many hours camping and hiking. In the beginning years, they hiked on many historical trails, including Stone Mountain, Noontootla, and the Appalachian Trail. They camped on area farms and available land, Boy Scout camps, and at Lake Allatoona. While they sometimes attended Council camps, they also had their own summer camps on local property. At their own camp, they would have "family day" where parents and siblings were invited for food and scout games like log rolling. Troop 405 has been represented by scouts at two National Jamborees. In 1969, scouts traveled to Farragut State Park in Idaho and in 2005, three scouts traveled to Fort AP Hill, Virginia to participate in National Jamboree activities.
Throughout the years, the scouts of 405 have participated in many service projects. While a scout is supposed to "Do a good turn Daily", they are also expected to work as a group on a service project. One of those projects was called "Sabin Oral Sunday" SOS for short. This project, completed in 1964, involved helping vaccinate people against polio. The scouts assisted as sugar cubes with the polio vaccine were passed out to the citizens of Powder Springs. They have also served their community through the Eagle Scout Leadership Service Projects that have been completed by the 17 Eagle Scouts that have earned their Eagle Rank at Troop 405.
The scouts continue to meet weekly in a room above the car care ministry barn. In these busy times, they still strive to camp monthly, to do a good turn daily and to set goals for service in the community. All of the scouts in the Troop are "Eagle Bound". |