Troop 405 has been around for over 50 years. Currently,we have two patrols. The troop meets year round every Tuesday night from 7:00 till 8:30. There is a white barn at 235 Old Villa Rica Road that the troop meets in. If the boys are out of school for a holiday or a snow day we do not meet. We follow the Cobb County school schedule including holidays. If school is candled for in climate weather, we do not meet.
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Camp Out for March 9-11th, 2007
We will be at the scout hut for this camp out. The object of this camp out is to:
- Get an inventory of the equipment we have.
- Cooking lessons and advancement.
- There also will be an opportunity for advancement. It is up to the boys to decide what advancement they want to work on.
- We will also be watching a movie on Saturday night.
- Get your permition slips here.
Camp out for April 3-5, 2007 is Camp-o-ree at Allatoona Aquatics Base.
There will be five stations: Tomahawk throwing, canoe racing, patrol feud, and pie the scoutmaster. There will also be a chess tournament and a chile cook off. On Friday night a flag retirement will take place. We will be going for the Rex J. Allred Honer Patrol Trophy. Get you permition slips here.
Camp out for May 18-20, 2007 is going to be at Chickamauga Battle Field.
We will be working on the Biking Merit Badge. You need to be thinking about what kind of shape your bike is in. Please let your
'Summer Camp At Camp Daniel Boone:
We will be going to Camp Daniel Boone around Asheville, N. C. in June. We will be gone from June 17-23, 2007. The first payment is due January 23, 2007 for $75.00. The camp web site is . If you have any questions please call Jay Peck or Greg Hogle. Start thinking about the classes that you want to take now. Look at the merit badges that you need to have for your next advancement. These might be some of the classes you want to take.